But it’s an even better game if you have mods installed and Christ, this game has a massive modding community. June 28, 2023.What are some must have mods for Kenshi in 2021? As the title says I'm looking into adding some mods and wanted to see what y'all think are the best of the best.

genshin imlact rule 34 Grineer Mod – A Warframe Faction Mod Download. The town will go to whomever takes it first The player or the Shek. Mods like Minor Factions Amplified that change the residents are compatible. This is compatible with mods that add buildings to the hub like the Hub Redux. That applies to Lord Phoenix! Why this mod is …If you like this mod please do. Workshop mod subscription will only work with Kenshi v0.92.0+ Learn More Home Browse Discussions About Browsing: Collections Showing 1-30 of 7,455 entries Sort by Most Popular Over time period One Week 自己用 Collection by sk 终末之诗 Collection by RorschachThis useful mod allows you to collect skulls from unconscious people that you’ve managed to knock unconscious.

attack slots in-game, heightmap compression (significantly reduces load time on HDDs) Kenshi Mod Workshop You can manage your mods in the Kenshi launcher when you start the game. Kenshi mods RE_Kenshi adds improvements to Kenshi that can't be achieved through traditional mod tools.Current features: force save on crash, game speed controls (set game speed to any value), fix bugs in Kenshi's RNG, change num.